Biblioteca UTCB
  • Unlike Simple Search in the Advanced Search users have the facility to combine multiple terms and to integrate various resources (internal and external) to achieve a comprehensive outcome as shown in the references.


    Searches focused on the use of logical operators

    Search fields can be combined using logical operators (Boolean) offers the ability to search any combination of the following eleven elements taken three (logical AND, logical OR, logical NOT).

    Search elements can be combined are:

    • ISBN/ISSN - international standard number - identify unique a title/edition of a document;
    • ISSN;
    • Subjects;
    • All titles;
    • All authors - included co-authors;
    • Personal name - as a subject;
    • Language;
    • Shelf number;
    • Item number;
    • Domain of the work (classification).

    Example 1:

    If you want to search all the novels written by Frank Herbert, Dune series:

    1. Complete search term in the right of the first field has selected search criteria All TitlesDune;
    2. Select the first field AND logic in the second row;
    3. Select criterion Authors - All for the second search field and fill in the search term: Herbert, Frank;
    4. Click "Search".

    2nd Example:

    Want to search for a document that is subject to management, is in English and published in 1999:

    1. Select the subject criteria and complete the search term: management;
    2. Select the first field AND logic in the second row;
    3. Select Language criterion for the second search field and complete the search term: eng (The program will assist and offers codes once you have typed the first character);
    4. Select the logical AND in the first field on the third row;
    5. Select Year onset criterion for the third field of search and fill in the search term: 1999;
    6. Click "Search".

    Filtering Options

    As with simple search, filtering options hide documents do not meet a user's choice, even if their response to the general criteria that led to obtaining a comprehensive result.

    In the top left of the screen, just below the simple search field, is the button "Options." Here you can filter data by criteria such as document type, called the library and bibliographic level, ie if they are books, serials, collections, parts of books, serials, AV materials. Also, data filtering can be done by type of support that is information (eg. Paper, CD, data networks, microfilm, magnetic tape, etc.).. Finally, data can be revealed by localization criterion. Thus each criterion or combination can be used to find out what documents by bibliographic level and support are in a particular department / service point (location).

    External database searches

    The left side of the area that appears is the result of an advanced search selection window locations that need to be queried by the user. Depending on the library list of partnerships such external sources may include other library catalogs in the country or abroad.

    These locations are clearly identified or through internationally recognized acronyms.

    The results returned by the query launched by the user are separated by external sources. Display is updated as servers that provide the answer finishes sending data.

    During searches in external databases the library, the user can choose to launch your search to be effected in the local database or can exclude query local databases.

    Z39.50 is the name of international protocol (standard) for the transfer of bibliographic data. To respond to a query raised by a remote integrated library program must have a particular way of communication, which usually carries just the standard name in question. Without using this standard, computers do not understand the information.

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