ruperea barajelor
LDR | 00146cx j2200061 4500 | |
001 | 104825 | |
100 | $a 20220428arumy03 ba0 | |
152 | $a AACR $b UTCB | |
250 | $7 ba0yba0a $8 rumrum $a ruperea barajelor |
5 works in 3 publications in 2 languages
3 records Page 1 of 1
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Interactions between the Atmosphere and the Earth
Blight, G.E.
(Language materials, printed)
One-Dimensional Dam-Break Solutions for Variable Width Channels
Hicks, F.E.; Steffer, P.M.; Yasmin, N.
(Language materials, printed)
Les digues fusibles, un élément de securité addittionelle dans un aménagement hydro-électrique
Gagnon, J.; Quach, T.-T.; Marche, Claude
(Language materials, printed)