Biblioteca UTCB

sistem de drenare

Topical Subject: sistem de drenare
Works: 1 works in 4 publications in 2 languages
Assainissement routier by: Marchand, Jean-Pierre; Merle, J.-P. (Language materials, printed)
Seepage Induced Slope Instability by: Koerner, Robert M.; Koerner, R.M.; Soong, T.-Y. (Language materials, printed)
Environmental Road and Lot Drainage Designs : Alternatives to the Curb-Gutter-Sewer System by: Li, J.; Orland, R.; Hogenbirk, T. (Language materials, printed)
Dissolution of No-Fines Concrete Slab due to Soft-Water Attack by: Alexander, M.G. (Language materials, printed)
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