Biblioteca UTCB


Topical Subject: suprastructură
Works: 1 works in 7 publications in 2 languages
Seismic Responses of Two Adjacent Buildings. I : Data and Analyses by: Çelebi, M. (Language materials, printed)
O alternativă la proiectele tip IPTANA by: Florea, Sabin; Cănuţă, Vasile (Language materials, printed)
Pod pe D.N.7C km 11+148 peste râul Argeş la Merişani by: Ivănescu, Toma; Voicu, Ion; Iordănescu, Constantin (Language materials, printed)
Seismic Responses of Two Adjacent Buildings. II : Interaction by: Çelebi, M. (Language materials, printed)
Relative Performance of Fixed-Base and Base Isolated Concrete Frames by: Shenton Iii, Harry. W.; Lin, A.N. (Language materials, printed)
Torsion in Base-Isolated Structures with Elastomeric Isolation Systems by: Nagarajaiah, S.; Constantinou, M.C.; Reinhorn, A.M. (Language materials, printed)
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