Biblioteca UTCB

Bica, Ioan

Works: 2 works in 8 publications in 1 languages
Applied Groundwater Modeling : Simulation of Flow and Advective Transport by: Anderson, Mary P.; Woessner, William W. (Language materials, printed)
Waste Management Practices Municipal, Hazardous, and Industrial by: Pichtel, John (Language materials, printed)
Restoration of Contaminated Aquifers : Petroleum Hydrocarbons and Organic Compounds by: Testa, Stephen M.; Winegardner, Duane L. (Language materials, printed)
The Practice of Strategic Enviromental Assessment by: Thérivel, Riki; Partidário, Maria Rosário (Language materials, printed)
Groundwater Hydrology by: Todd, David Keith; Mays, Larry W. (Language materials, printed)
Methods of Environmental Impact Assessment by: (Language materials, printed)
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