Biblioteca UTCB

metoda elementului finit

Topical Subject: metoda elementului finit
Works: 1 works in 9 publications in 2 languages
The Combined Finite-Discrete Element Method by: Munjiza, Ante (Language materials, printed)
Vehicle - Bridge Interaction Dynamics : With Applications to High-Speed Railways by: Wu, Y.S.; Yang, Y.B.; Yau, J.D. (Language materials, printed)
A First Course in the Finite Element Method by: Logan, Daryl L. (Language materials, printed)
Analiză numerică by: Păltineanu, Gavrilă; Matei, Pavel; Trandafir, Romică (Language materials, printed)
Bazele analizei numerice by: Matei, Pavel; Trandafir, Romică; Păltineanu, Gavrilă (Language materials, printed)
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