Biblioteca UTCB

astronomie sistem solar astrofizică

Topical Subject: astronomie sistem solar astrofizică
Works: 1 works in 13 publications in 5 languages
Experienţa OZN : o cercetare ştiinţifică by: Hynek, J.Allen (Language materials, printed)
Solar Physics by: Severny, A. (Language materials, printed)
Astronomie. Partea 1 by: (Language materials, printed)
Camille Flammarion by: Cuny, Hilaire (Language materials, printed)
The Cosmological Constant, Branes and Non-Geometry by: Gautason, Friîrich Freyr (Language materials, printed)
Astronomie by: Atudorei, Mircea (Language materials, printed)
Die neue Astronomie by: Elsässer, Hans (Language materials, printed)
Principiile matematice ale filozofiei naturale by: Newton, Isac (Language materials, printed)
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