Kim, Hansoo
LDR | 00113nx a22000613 | |
001 | 37328 | |
009 | Kim, Hansoo | |
200 | $a Kim $b Hansoo | |
801 | 0 $a RO $b UTCB $c 20220428 |
1 works in 4 publications in 1 languages
4 records Page 1 of 1
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Column Shortening of Concrete Cores and Composite Columns in a Tall Buildings
Kim, Hansoo; Cho, Sukhee
(Language materials, printed)
Shrinkage Stress Analysis of Concrete Slab in Multistory Building Considering Variation of Restraint and Stress Relaxation Due to Creep
Kim, Hansoo; Cho, Sukhee
(Language materials, printed)
Evaluation of Capacity Spectrum Method for Estimating the Peak Inelastic Responses
Kim, Hansoo; Lee, S.-H.; Park, M.; Min, K.-W.; Chung, L.
(Language materials, printed)
A New Modelling Technique Using a Subsystem for Structural Schematic Desing of Tall Buildings
Kim, Hansoo; Jung, Jonghyun; Cho, Sukhee
(Language materials, printed)
calculul structurilor
cedare lentă
clădire înaltă
clădire multietajată
ETABSIN versiunea 6.12
metoda spectrului de capacitate
metodă de analiză
perioadă echivalentă
placă de beton
program de calcul
raport de amortizare echivalent
răspuns inelastic
schemă de modelare
scurtarea stâlpilor
spectru necesar
stâlp compus
tensiune de comprimare