Biblioteca UTCB

Mcbean, E.A.

Personal Name: Mcbean, E.A.
Agency: RO: UTCB
Works: 1 works in 4 publications in 1 languages
Best Subset Modelling of Phosphorus in the Grand River Using Correlated Variables by: Mcbean, E.A.; Tyagi, A.; Sharma, M.; McBean, E. (Language materials, printed)
Preliminary Studies into the Disinfection of Potable Water Using Solar Radiation by: Shah, S.K.; Mcbean, E.A.; Anderson, W.A. (Language materials, printed)
Source-Receptor Modeling of PAHs Using Deposition Levels in Winter-Long Urban Snowpack by: Marsalek, Jiri; Mcbean, E.A.; Marsalek, J.; Sharma, M.; McBean, E.; Thomson, N. (Language materials, printed)
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