Mcbean, E.A.
LDR | 00115nx a22000613 | |
001 | 46607 | |
009 | McBean, E.A. | |
200 | $a Mcbean $b E.A. | |
801 | 0 $a RO $b UTCB $c 20220428 |
1 works in 4 publications in 1 languages
4 records Page 1 of 1
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Best Subset Modelling of Phosphorus in the Grand River Using Correlated Variables
Mcbean, E.A.; Tyagi, A.; Sharma, M.; McBean, E.
(Language materials, printed)
Linear Regression Analysis with Censored Data : Estimation of PAH Washout Ratios and Dry Deposition Velocities to a Snow Surface
Sharma, M.; Thomson, N.R.; Mcbean, E.A.
(Language materials, printed)
Preliminary Studies into the Disinfection of Potable Water Using Solar Radiation
Shah, S.K.; Mcbean, E.A.; Anderson, W.A.
(Language materials, printed)
Source-Receptor Modeling of PAHs Using Deposition Levels in Winter-Long Urban Snowpack
Marsalek, Jiri; Mcbean, E.A.; Marsalek, J.; Sharma, M.; McBean, E.; Thomson, N.
(Language materials, printed)
apă potabilă
bacterii coliforme
calitatea apei
concentraţie de fosfor
dezinfecţie solară
hidrocarburi aromatice
metoda celor mai mici pătrate
model de distributie Weibull
modelare prin regresie
modelarea receptorului sursei
poluanţi PAH
poluarea zăpezii
raport de spălare
regresie lineară
solide în suspensie
viteză de depunere uscată