Willoughby, D.R.
LDR | 00123nx a22000613 | |
001 | 78484 | |
009 | Willoughby, D.R. | |
200 | $a Willoughby $b D.R. | |
801 | 0 $a RO $b UTCB $c 20220428 |
1 lucrari in 2 publicatii in 1 limbi
3 records Page 1 of 1
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The geometrical description of linear and simple planar features in soils
Willoughby, D.R.
(Text tipărit)
Ground Water Observations During the Initial Period of Urban Development at Elisabeth, South Australia : Excerpt "Engineering Effects of Moisture Changes in Soils"
Willoughby, D.R.
(Text tipărit)
Rock Mechanics Applied to Cut and Fill Mining in Australia
Willoughby, D.R.
(Text tipărit)