Biblioteca UTCB

analiza siguranţei

Topical Subject: analiza siguranţei
Works: 1 works in 17 publications in 1 languages
Reexamination of Convex Polyhedron Outcrossing Problem by: Ditlevsen, Ove (Language materials, printed)
Reliability Analysis for Critical Reaction Forces of Lumber Members with an End Notch by: Chui, Y.H.; Hu, L.J.; Smith, Ian (Language materials, printed)
Reliability-Based Design of Wood Members Subject to Ponding by: Rosowsky, David V.; Fridley, K.J. (Language materials, printed)
Stochastic Vehicle-Queue-Load Model for Large Bridges by: Ditlevsen, Ove; Madsen, Henrik Overgaard (Language materials, printed)
Variability Respopnse Functions of Stochastic Plane Stress/Strain Problems by: Wall, F.J.; Deodatis, G. (Language materials, printed)
Holonomic Elastoplastic Reliability Analysis of Truss Systems. I : Theory by: Frangopol, Dan M.; Ishikawa, N.; Ketsuki, Satoshi (Language materials, printed)
A Probabilistic Retention Criterion for Nonwoven Geotextiles by: Elsharief, A.M.; Lovell, C.W. (Language materials, printed)
Reliability of Flood Warning Systems by: Krzysztofowicz, R.; Kelly, K.S.; Long, D. (Language materials, printed)
Orthogonal Series Expansions of Random Fields in Reliability Analysis by: Ellingwood, B.; Zhang, Jianmin (Language materials, printed)
Seismic Performance Evaluation for Steel Moment Frames by: Cornell, C.Allin; Foutch, A. Douglas; Yun, Sung-Yul; Cornell, C. Allin; Hamburger, Ronald O.; Hamburger, O. Ronald; Foutch, A.Douglas (Language materials, printed)
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