Biblioteca UTCB

dezvoltare urbană

Topical Subject: dezvoltare urbană
Works: 1 works in 11 publications in 2 languages
The - a Digital Study in Architecture by: Fuchs, W.; Martinico, A. (Language materials, printed)
Farmland Values under the Influence of Urbanization : Case Study from Turkey by: Bayramoglu, Z.; Gundogmus, E. (Language materials, printed)
Linking Transportation Planning to Program Implementation by: Miller, J.S.; Hoel, L.A.; Dalton, F.T.; Mccray, D.R. (Language materials, printed)
Villes et territoire by: Robert, B. (Language materials, printed)
Urban Services Localization and Optimal Traffic Distribution : Users Oriented System by: Biancardi, A.; De Lotto, R.; Ferrara, A. (Language materials, printed)
Data Reuse Methods for Transportation Planning in Small- and Medium-Sized Towns by: Horner, John W.; Huntsinger, Leta F.; Stone, John R. (Language materials, printed)
City Economical Function and Industrial Development : Case Study along the Railway Line in North Xinjiang in China by: Chen, Cai-Ping; Shi-Yin, Liu; Ding, Yong-Jan (Language materials, printed)
"Demand of Participants" or "Supply of Opportunities" : Measuring Accessibility of Activity Places Based on Time Geographic Approach by: Islam, Mohammed Shariful; Ahmed, Sohel Jahangir; Rahaman, Khan Rubayet (Language materials, printed)
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