factor de ductilitate
LDR | 00150cx j2200061 4500 | |
001 | 90673 | |
100 | $a 20220428arumy03 ba0 | |
152 | $a AACR $b UTCB | |
250 | $7 ba0yba0a $8 rumrum $a factor de ductilitate |
1 works in 3 publications in 1 languages
3 records Page 1 of 1
- 1
Effects of Structural Walls on the Elastic-Plastic Earthquake Responses of Frame-Wall Buildings
Kongoli, X.; Minami, T.; Sakai, Y.
(Language materials, printed)
Confining Reinforcement for Concrete Columns
Park, Robert; Park, R.; Watson, S.; Zahn, F.A.
(Language materials, printed)
Determination of Ductility Factor Considering Different Hysteretic Models
Lee, Li Hyung; Han, Sang Whan; Oh, Young Hun
(Language materials, printed)