Biblioteca UTCB


Topical Subject: filtru
Works: 1 works in 10 publications in 2 languages
Microstructure and Pore Characteristics of Synthetic Filters under Confinement by: Gardoni, M.G.; Palmeira, E.M. (Language materials, printed)
Filtration of Broadly Graded Soils : The Reduced PSD Method by: Indraratna, Buddhima; Indraratna, B.; Locke, M. (Language materials, printed)
Lexique hydraulique (4)-2000 by: (Language materials, printed)
Lexique hydraulique (4) by: (Language materials, printed)
Air/Water Oxygen Transfer in a Biological Aerated Filter by: Leung, Susanna M.; Holst, Troy; Little, John C.; Love, Nancy G. (Language materials, printed)
Filter Tests - Direct or Indirect? by: Goldsworthy, M.H. (Language materials, printed)
Physical Clogging of Soil Filters under Constant Flow Rate versus Constant Head by: Reddi, Lakshmi N.; Hajra, Malay G.; Xiao, Ming; Lee, In Mo (Language materials, printed)
Anaerobic Filter Treatment of Municipal Wastewater : Biosolids Behavior by: Manariotis, Ioannis D.; Grigoropoulos, Sotiris G. (Language materials, printed)
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