Biblioteca UTCB

forţa de forfecare

Topical Subject: forţa de forfecare
Works: 1 works in 13 publications in 2 languages
Evolution of Shear Bands in Sand by: Gudehus, G.; Nübel, K. (Language materials, printed)
New Concept to Include Shear Deformation in a Curved Beam Element by: Sheikh, A.H. (Language materials, printed)
Improved Computation of Stress Resultants in the p-Ritz Method by: Wang, C.M.; Reddy, J.N.; Wang, Y.C.; Thevendran, V. (Language materials, printed)
Sensivity Analysis and Optimization of Truss/Beam Components of Arbitrary Cross-Section. II Shear Stress by: Apostol, V.; Santos, J.L.T.; Pavia, M. (Language materials, printed)
Deformation Capacity Assessment for RC Columns Designed and Detailed According to Romanian Practice by: Popa, Viorel; Coţofană, Dragoş (Language materials, printed)
Plastic Interaction Relationships for Square Hollow Structural Sections : Lower Bound Solution by: Mohareb, Magdi; Ozkan, Istemi F. (Language materials, printed)
Lateral Stiffness of Frames and Effective Length of Framed Columns by: Aydin, R.; Gönen, H. (Language materials, printed)
Flexural Properties of Flexible Conductors Interconnecting Electrical Substantion Equipment by: Filiatrault, André; Stearns, Christopher (Language materials, printed)
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