funcţii Green
LDR | 00143cx j2200061 4500 | |
001 | 91850 | |
100 | $a 20220428arumy03 ba0 | |
152 | $a AACR $b UTCB | |
250 | $7 ba0yba0a $8 rumrum $a funcţii Green |
1 works in 4 publications in 1 languages
4 records Page 1 of 1
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Green's Functions for Transversely Isotropic Elastic Half Space
Rajapakse, R.K.N.D.; Wang, Y.
(Language materials, printed)
Approximate Green's Functions and a Boundary Element Method for Electro-Elastic Analyses of Active Materials
Khutoryansky, N.; Zu, W.; Sosa, H.
(Language materials, printed)
A Hybrid Indirect Boundary Element-Discrete Wave Number Method Applied to Simulate the Seismic Response of Stratified Alluvial Valleys
Gil-Zepeda, S.A.; Vai, R.; Montalve-Arrieta, J.C.; Sánchez-Sesma, F.J.
(Language materials, printed)
Fundamental Solutions to Helmholtz's Equation for Inhomogeneous Media by a First-Order Differential Equation System
Manolis, G.D.; Shaw, R.P.
(Language materials, printed)
ceramică piezoelectrică
dezvoltarea formulei Fourier
ecuaţia lui Helmholtz
ecuaţie scalară a undei
funcţii Green
materiale active
mediu neomogen
metoda elementului limită
metoda indirectă a elementelor limită
propagarea undelor
răspuns seismic
seismogramă sintetică
semispaţiu elastic
semispaţiu transversal
sistem de ecuaţii diferenţiale
transformări ale integralelor Hankel
undă de suprafaţă
vale aluvionară stratificată