metoda spectrului de capacitate
LDR | 00160cx j2200061 4500 | |
001 | 97216 | |
100 | $a 20220428arumy03 ba0 | |
152 | $a AACR $b UTCB | |
250 | $7 ba0yba0a $8 rumrum $a metoda spectrului de capacitate |
1 works in 4 publications in 1 languages
4 records Page 1 of 1
- 1
Capacity Spectrum Method Based on Inelastic Demand Spectra
Fajfar, Peter
(Language materials, printed)
Evaluation of Capacity Spectrum Method for Estimating the Peak Inelastic Responses
Kim, Hansoo; Lee, S.-H.; Park, M.; Min, K.-W.; Chung, L.
(Language materials, printed)
Nonlinear Seismic Response Evaluation of Tunnel Form Building Structures
Balkaya, Can; Kalkan, Erol
(Language materials, printed)
A Simplified Procedure to Select a Suitable Retrofit Strategy for Existing RC Buildings Using Pushover Analysis
Baros, D.K.; Dritsos, S.E.
(Language materials, printed)
analiza neliniară
analiză pushover
avarie cumulativă
calcul bazat pe deplasare
clădire de beton armat
element finit
metoda spectrului de capacitate
perete de forfecare
perioadă echivalentă
raport de amortizare echivalent
răspuns inelastic
spectru necesar
spectru neelastic
strategie de reabilitare
analiză "pushover"