Biblioteca UTCB

model histeretic

Topical Subject: model histeretic
Works: 1 works in 8 publications in 1 languages
Beam Global Model for the Seismic Analysis of RC Frames by: Miramontes, D.; Merabet, O.; Reynouard, J.M. (Language materials, printed)
Localization Analysis of Reinforced Concrete Members with Softening Behavior by: Khaloo, Ali R.; Tariverdilo, Saeed (Language materials, printed)
Midbroken Reinforced Concrete Shear Frames Due to Earthquakes. A Hysteretic Model to Quantify Damage at the Storey Level by: Ugur Köylüoglu, H.; Nielsen, S.R.K.; Çakmak, A.Ş. (Language materials, printed)
Hysteretic Modeling of Thin-Walled Circular Steel Columns under Biaxial Bending by: Jiang, Lizhi; Obata, Makoto; Goto, Yoshiaki (Language materials, printed)
Formulation of MIT-E3 Constitutive Model for Overconsolidated Clays by: Whittle, A.J.; Kavvadas, M.J. (Language materials, printed)
A Study of Hysteresis Models for Soil-Water Characteristic Curves by: Pham, Hung Q.; Fredlund, Dewlyn G.; Barbour, S. Lee (Language materials, printed)
Non-Linear Seismic Analysis of Base-Isolated RC Frame Structures by: Ceccoli, C.; Savoia, M.; Mazzotti, C. (Language materials, printed)
Determination of Ductility Factor Considering Different Hysteretic Models by: Lee, Li Hyung; Oh, Young Hun; Han, Sang Whan (Language materials, printed)
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