Biblioteca UTCB

pânze subţiri

Topical Subject: pânze subţiri
Works: 1 works in 8 publications in 1 languages
Nonlinear Finite Element for Reinforced Concrete Slabs by: Phuvoravan, Kitjapat; Sotelino, Elisa D. (Language materials, printed)
Reliability of Shells via Koiter Formulas by: Cederbaum, G.; Arbocz, J. (Language materials, printed)
Dynamic Elastic Instability of Long Circular Cylindrical Shells Under Pure Bending by: Molyneaux, T.C.K.; Li, L.-Y. (Language materials, printed)
Free Vibration of Compozite Spherical Shell Cap with and a Cutout by: Ram, K.S.; Babu, T.S. (Language materials, printed)
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