- Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics Cantennial Year 1967. Vol.2. Fluid Mechanics. Thermodynamics
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Description: 16, 346p. : fig. Notes: Volumul 2 : Mecanica fluidelor. Termodinamica Notes: Bibliografia la sfârşitul capitolelor Notes: Pe copertă Proceedings Vol.2 Language: English Contained By: Canadian Congress of Applied Mechanics Cantennial Year 1967 / Edited by L.E. Jones and F.P.J. Rimrott . - Toronto : University, 1967 . - 3vol. Subject: 52 Shelf number: UTCB - Classification: 531 Classification: 531:532:536 Classification: 532 Classification: 536 Notes: Volumul 2 : Mecanica fluidelor. Termodinamica
- 1 records • Pages 1 •
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