- Proceedings of the 20th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress(ISSC 2018). Vol.2. Specialist Committee Reports
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Published: Year of Publication: 2018 ISBN: 978-1-61499-863-1 Description: IX, 528 p. : fig.; 24 cm Notes: Vol. 2 : Rapoartele comisiei de specialitate Language: English Contained By: Proceedings of the 20th International Ship and Offshore Structures Congress(ISSC 2018) / ed. Mirek L. Kaminski, Philippe Rigo . - Amsterdam : IOS Press, 2018 . - 2 vol. Subject: inginerie navală inginerie maritimă Subject: porturi rade docuri debarcadere cheiuri instalații și echipamente Subject: Donație Subject: Cărți străine Subject: Conferințe. Simpozioane. Congrese Subject: 73 Subject: 2019 Classification: 627.24:629.5(042) Classification: 627.24 Classification: 629.5 Classification: 042 Notes: Vol. 2 : Rapoartele comisiei de specialitate Notes: inginerie navală, inginerie maritimă
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