- Căi ferate
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic Author: Hila, Virgil Author: Ungureanu, Constantin Author: Radu, Constantin Author: Stoicescu, George Statement of Responsibility: Virgil Hila, Constantin Ungureanu, Constantin Radu, George Stoicescu Published: Institutul de Construcţii Place of Publication: Bucureşti Year of Publication: 1975 Description: 2 părţi Language: Romanian Contain: Căi ferate. Partea 1-a. Bazele proiectării căilor ferate Contain: Căi ferate. Partea a 2-a. Suprastructura căii Subject: Cadre didactice Subject: Publicații UTCB Shelf number: UTCB - 625.1(075.8)/C 12
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