- Atom Probe and Transmission Electron Microscopy Investigations of Heavily Drawn Pearlitic Steel Wire
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part) Author: Hong, M.H. Statement of Responsibility: M.H. Hong Notes: Investigarea atomică şi prin microscopia transmiterii electronilor a sârmelor de oţel perlitic puternic trase Language: English Part of: METALLURGICAL and Materials Transactions. Serie A. An 1999, 30A/3A, p.717-727 Subject: microscop cu transmitere a electronilor Subject: microscop de câmp ionic Subject: sârme trase de oţel perlitic Subject: tratament termic pentru sârme trase Notes: Investigarea atomică şi prin microscopia transmiterii electronilor a sârmelor de oţel perlitic puternic trase
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