- Equipment for the Analysis of the Behaviour of Concrete under Restrained Shrinkage at Early Ages
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Marchand, Jacques Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Pigeon, Michel Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Toma, G. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Delagrave, A. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Bissonnette, B. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Marchand, J. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Prince, J.C. Statement of Responsibility: M. Pigeon, G. Toma, A. Delagrave,... Notes: Echipament pentru analiza comportării betonului la contracţie blocată în perioada timpurie Language: English Part of: MAGAZINE of concrete research/ Cement and Concrete Association. Wexham Springs,Slough. An aug. 2000, 52/4, p.297-302 Subject: beton Subject: contracţie blocată Subject: deformaţie visco-elastică Notes: Echipament pentru analiza comportării betonului la contracţie blocată în perioada timpurie
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