- An Experimental Investigation of the Mechanical Behaviour of an Unsaturated Gneiss Residual Soil
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Futai, M.M. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Almeida, M.S.S. Statement of Responsibility: M.M. Futai, M.S.S. Almeida Notes: Cercetare experimentală a comportării mecanice a unui pământ de gneiss aluvionar nesaturat Language: English Part of: GEOTECHNIQUE/ The Institution of Civil Engineers. London, 1957-1964, 1966-1981, 1988, 1990-1998, 2000-2002, 2004-2006. LV/3, april. 2005, p.201-213 Subject: absorbţie Subject: compresibilitate Subject: pământ aluvionar Subject: rezistenţa la forfecare Subject: test de laborator Notes: Cercetare experimentală a comportării mecanice a unui pământ de gneiss aluvionar nesaturat
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