- Use of Set Accelerating Admixtures in Dry-Mix Shotcrete
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Jolin, M. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Beaupre, D. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Lamontagne, A. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Pigeon, Michel Statement of Responsibility: M. Jolin, D. Beaupre, M. Pigeon, A. Lamontagne Notes: Folosirea adaosurilor de accelerare în betonul torcretat cu amestecare uscată Language: English Part of: JOURNAL of materials in civil engineering. An nov. 1997,V. 9/4,p. 180-184 Subject: adaos de accelerare Subject: amestec uscat Subject: beton torcretat Notes: Folosirea adaosurilor de accelerare în betonul torcretat cu amestecare uscată
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