- L'optimisation de la résistance, à court terme des bétons fabriqués avec un ciment de type 20M
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Aïtcin, Pierre-Claude Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Kessal, M. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Edwards-Lajnef, M. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Tagnit-Hamou, A. Statement of Responsibility: M. Kessal, M. Edwards-Lajnef, A. Tagnit-Hamou, P.-C. Aïtcin Notes: Optimizarea rezistenţei pe termen scurt a betoanelor fabricate cu ciment de tip 20M Language: French Part of: CANADIAN Journal of Civil Engineering. An june 1996,V. 23/3,p. 614-620 Subject: aditiv cimentos Subject: beton de înaltă performanţă Subject: beton de masă Subject: căldură de hidratare Subject: fum de siliciu Subject: rezistenţa pe termen scurt Subject: superplastifiant Notes: Optimizarea rezistenţei pe termen scurt a betoanelor fabricate cu ciment de tip 20M
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