Biblioteca UTCB

  • Sliding Fragillity of Block-Type Non-Structural Components. Part 2 : Restrained Components
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
    Author: Lopez-Garcia, D.
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Soong, T.T.
    Statement of Responsibility: D.Lopez Garcia, T.T.Soong
    Notes: Fragilitatea la alunecare a elementelor nestructurale tip bloc. Partea 2 : Elemente încastrate
    Language: English
    Subject: bloc rigid
    Subject: element nestructural
    Subject: fragilitate seismică
    Subject: răspuns la alunecare
    Notes: Fragilitatea la alunecare a elementelor nestructurale tip bloc. Partea 2 : Elemente încastrate
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