- Field Campaigns : Pumping Tests and Tracer Tests
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Brouyère, Serge Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Bretotean, Mihai Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Minciuna, Marin-Nelu Statement of Responsibility: Serge Brouyère, Mihai Bretotean, Marin-Nelu Minciuna Notes: Campanii de teren: teste de pompare şi de trasare Language: English Part of: HIDROTEHNICA. Bucureşti, 1952-1954, 1956-2006. 49/9-10, sept.-oct. 2004, p.36-50 Subject: complex acvifer Subject: conductivitate hidraulică Subject: izotopi naturali Subject: secţiune hidrostratigrafică Subject: spectrometru Subject: studiu hidrogeologic Subject: test de pompare Subject: test de trasare Subject: trasor Notes: Campanii de teren: teste de pompare şi de trasare
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