- Soil-Pile-Bridge Seismic Interaction : Kinematic and Inertial Effects. Part 1: Soft Soil
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Mylonakis, G. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Nikolaou, A. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Gazetas, G. Statement of Responsibility: G. Mylonakis, A. Nikolaou, G. Gazetas Notes: Interacţiunea seismică sol-pilon-pod: efecte cinematice şi inerţiale. Partea 1: sol moale Language: English Subject: amortizarea radiaţiei Subject: grup de piloni Subject: interacţiunea pilonului Subject: pilon Subject: pod Subject: sol Notes: Interactiunea seismica sol-pilon-pod: efecte cinematice si inertiale. Partea 1: sol moale
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