- Best Subset Modelling of Phosphorus in the Grand River Using Correlated Variables
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Mcbean, E.A. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Tyagi, A. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Sharma, M. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: McBean, E. Statement of Responsibility: A. Tyagi, M. Sharma, E. McBean Notes: Cea mai bună modelare a subansamblului de fosfor în Grand River folosind variabile corelate Language: English Part of: CANADIAN Journal of Civil Engineering. An aug. 1996, 23/4, p.893-903 Subject: calitatea apei Subject: concentraţie de fosfor Subject: modelare prin regresie Subject: râuri Subject: solide în suspensie Notes: Cea mai bună modelare a subansamblului de fosfor în Grand River folosind variabile corelate
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