Biblioteca UTCB

  • The Development of a Rapid-Prototyping Technique for Mechatronic-Augmented Heavy Plant
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
    Author: Melling, G.
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Bradley, D.A.
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Mckee, H.
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Widden, M.B.
    Statement of Responsibility: G. Melling, D.A. Bradley, H. McKee,...
    Notes: Dezvoltarea tehnicii prototipului rapid pentru utilaj greu completat mecatronic
    Language: English
    Subject: interfaţă om-maşină
    Subject: mecatronică
    Subject: prototip
    Subject: robotică
    Subject: utilaj greu
    Notes: Dezvoltarea tehnicii prototipului rapid pentru utilaj greu completat mecatronic
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