- Description du tunnel foré
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Chabert, Alain Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Durand, Jean-Pierre Statement of Responsibility: Alain Chabert, Jean-Pierre Durand Notes: Descrierea tunelului forat Language: French Part of: TRAVAUX/ réd.Roland Girardot, Henry Thonier. Paris. An mart. 2004,V. 806,p. 35-36 Subject: beton asfaltic Subject: construcţii de tuneluri rutiere Subject: îmbrăcăminte rutieră pentru tunel Subject: nişe de securitate pentru tunel rutier Subject: protecţia contra incendiilor a tunelului rutier Subject: radier de tunel rutier Subject: securitatea tunelului rutier Subject: tunel rutier Notes: Descrierea tunelului forat
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