- Pod pe D.N.7C km 11+148 peste râul Argeş la Merişani
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Ivănescu, Toma Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Iordănescu, Constantin Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Voicu, Ion Statement of Responsibility: Toma Ivănescu, Constantin Iordănescu, Ion Voicu Language: Romanian Part of: DRUMURI şi poduri/ red.şef Costel Marin. Bucureşti, 1991-2005, 2008-2013. ,V. XV/22(91), apr. 2005, p.17-19 Subject: antretoaze casetate Subject: construcţii de poduri Subject: pod rutier Subject: studiu de fezabilitate Subject: suprastructură Subject: tablier metalic
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