- Fuzzy-Bayesian Approach to Reliability of Existing Structures
Record Type: Language materials, printed: analytic (component part)
Author: Chou, C.K. Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Yuan, J. Statement of Responsibility: C.K. Chou, J. Yuan Notes: Aproximaţie Bayesiana la siguranţa structurilor existente Language: English Part of: JOURNAL of Structural Engineering. New York, 1986-1987, 1990-1995, 1997,1998, 2001-2006, 2008. An nov. 1993, 119/11, p.3276-3290 Subject: cadre Subject: siguranţa structurii Subject: structură de beton armat Subject: teorema lui Bayes Subject: teoria prizei fibroase Notes: Aproximaţie Bayesiana la siguranţa structurilor existente
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