Proiectarea dispozitivelor moderatoare de oţel, de absorbţie a energiei şi încorporarea lor în centralele nucleare pt. sporirea siguranţei(Raportul tehnic final, vol.1A)
Proiectarea dispozitivelor moderatoare de oţel, de absorbţie a energiei şi încorporarea lor în centralele nucleare pt. sporirea siguranţei(Raportul tehnic final).
Vol.1A: Conducte cu dispozitive moderatoare de absorbţie a energiei: studiul parametrilor la sistemele de dimensiuni reduse.
Vol.1C: Metoda numerică pentru analiza dinamică a substructurii.
Vol.2 : Realizarea şi încercarea dispozitivelor moderatoare pentru reţelele de conducte nucleare.
Conţine: The Design of Steel Energy-Absorbing Restrainers and their Incorporation into Nuclear Power Plants for Enhanced Safety . Volume 4, Shaking Table Tests of Piping Systems with Energy Absorbing Restrainers / S.F.Stiemer, W.G.Godden, 1980, III+81p.
Conţine: The Design of Steel Energy-Absorbing Restrainers and their Incorporation into Nuclear Power Plants for Enhanced Safety . Volume 2, Development and Testing of Restraints for Nuclear Piping Systems / ed.: J.M.Kelly, M.S.Skinner, 1980, [6]+43p.
Conţine: The Design of Steel Energy-Absorbing Restrainers and their Incorporation into Nuclear Power Plants for Enhanced Safety . Volume 1B, Stochastic Seismic Analyses of Nuclear Power Plant Structures and Piping Systems Subjected to Multiple Support Excitations / Meng-Chi Lee, Joseph Penzien, 1980, X+148f.
Conţine: The Design of Steel Energy-Absorbing Restrainers and their Incorporation into Nuclear Power Plants for Enhanced Safety . Volume 1C, Numerical Method for Dynamic Substructure Analysis / ed.: John M.Dickens, Edward L.Wilson, XII, 196p.
Conţine: The Design of Steel Energy-Absorbing Restrainers and their Incorporation into Nuclear Power Plants for Enhanced Safety . Volume 1A, Piping with Energy-absorbing Restrainers, 1980, [3]+67p.