Biblioteca UTCB

  • Doob-Martin-Theorie diskreter Markov-Ketten : Struktur und Anwendungen
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Hagemann, Klaas
    Author: Grübel, R.
    Statement of Responsibility: Klaas Hagemann
    Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: coord. ref. prof. dr. R. Grübel
    Published: [s.n]
    Place of Publication: [s.l]
    Year of Publication: 2016
    Description: V, 127 p. ; 30 cm
    Notes: Fakultät für Mathematik und Physik der Gottfried Wilhelm Leinbniz Universität Hannover. Coord. prof. dr. R. Grübel
    Notes: Doob-Martin-teoria structurii discrete Markov-lanţ şi aplicaţii
    Language: German
    Subject: matematică
    Subject: date de înregistrare numerele de inregistrare lanţul Poisson-Kette armonic teoria Doob-Martin
    Subject: Schimb documentar
    Subject: Cărți străine
    Subject: Teze de doctorat
    Subject: 99
    Subject: 2017
    Shelf number: 519.1/H 14
    Classification: 519.1(043)
    Classification: 043
    Notes: date de înregistrare, numerele de inregistrare, lanţul Poisson-Kette armonic,teoria Doob-Martin
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