Biblioteca UTCB

  • Angewandte-Betriebsfestigkeit
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Cottin, Dieter
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Puls, Erdmann
    Statement of Responsibility: D.Cottin, E.Puls
    Published: VEB Deutscher Verlag für Grundstoffindustrie
    Place of Publication: Leipzig
    Year of Publication: 1985
    Description: 148p. : fig.; 22cm
    Notes: Conceptul de regim de funcţionare
    Language: German
    Shelf number: UTCB - 62-5/C 79
    Classification: 621
    Classification: 62-5
    Classification: 62-5;621
    Notes: Conceptul de regim de funcţionare
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