Biblioteca UTCB

  • Learning to Learn English : a Course in Learner Training : Teacher's Book
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Ellis, Gail
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Sinclair, Barbara
    Statement of Responsibility: Gail Ellis, Barbara Sinclair
    Published: Cambridge University Press
    Place of Publication: New York
    Year of Publication: 1993
    ISBN: 0-521-33817-4
    Description: 154p. : 22cm.
    Language: English
    Subject: limba engleză curs de formare a elevilor
    Subject: lingvistică
    Subject: Donație
    Subject: Cărți străine
    Subject: 96
    Subject: 2008
    Shelf number: 811.111/E 31
    Classification: 811.111
    Notes: limba engleză, manualul profesorului, curs de formare a elevilor
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