Biblioteca UTCB

  • Leselandschaft : Unterrichtswerk für die Mittelstufe
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Hasenkamp, Günther
    Statement of Responsibility: Günther Hasenkamp
    Published: Verlag für Deutsch
    Place of Publication: Ismaning
    Description: 2 vol.
    Notes: Tărâmul lecturii : Manual de curs pentru nivel intermediar
    Language: German
    Contain: Leselandschaft. [Vol.1]
    Contain: Leselandschaft. [Vol.2]
    Subject: Donație
    Subject: Cărți străine
    Subject: 73
    Subject: 2017
    Shelf number: 811.112.2'243/H 35
    Notes: limba germană, exerciţii, învăţarea limbii germane
    Notes: Tărâmul lecturii : Manual de curs pentru nivel intermediar
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