Biblioteca UTCB

  • 1st Tokushima International Seminar on Slope Stability Engineering : 17 Dec.l993 Tokushima, Japan
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Corporate Body: International Seminar On Slope Stability Engineering. 1.Tokushima. 1993
    Statement of Responsibility: University of Tokushima
    Published: University
    Place of Publication: Tokushima
    Year of Publication: 1993
    Description: 189p.multigr : fig.; 30cm
    Notes: Primul seminar internaţional asupra tehnicii stabilităţii pantelor de la Tokushima: 17 dec.1993 Tokushima, Japonia
    Notes: Donaţie prof. Mihail Popescu
    Language: English
    Subject: Conferințe. Simpozioane. Congrese
    Shelf number: UTCB - 624.13/I-58
    Classification: 624.137
    Classification: 624.138.23
    Notes: Primul seminar internaţional asupra tehnicii stabilităţii pantelor de la Tokushima: 17 dec.1993 Tokushima, Japonia
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