- Modélation numérique des écoulements et déformations dans les barrages de terre construits sur des sols mous
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Ould Amy, Mahfoud Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Magnan, Jean-Pierre Statement of Responsibility: Mahfoud Ould Amy, Jean-Pierre Magnan Published: LCPC Place of Publication: Paris Year of Publication: 1991 ISBN: 2-7208-2100-4 Description: 146p. : fig.; 30cm Notes: Modelare numerică a curgerilor şi deformărilor în baraje de pamânt construite pe soluri moi. Language: English Shelf number: UTCB - 624.13/O-92 Classification: 624.13 Classification: 624.131.7 Classification: 624.13;624.131.7;627.82.05 Classification: 627.82.05 Notes: Modelare numerică a curgerilor şi deformărilor în baraje de pamânt construite pe soluri moi.
- 1 records • Pages 1 •
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