- 15 Storeys Steel Structure for an Office Building
Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
Author: Baltac, Lucian Research Team Member: Moreno, Francisco Quitero Statement of Responsibility: Lucian Baltac Subsequent Statement of Responsibility: coord. şt. Francisco Quitero Moreno Published: Universidad Politecnica Place of Publication: Madrid Year of Publication: 2000 Description: [202]f.multigr. : fig.; 30cm Notes: Universitatea Politehnică din Madrid. Lucrare de disertaţie. Coord.: prof.dr.ing. Francisco Quintero Moreno Language: English Subject: Donație Subject: Cărți românești Subject: Titluri în limbă străină Subject: Lucrări de disertație Shelf number: UTCB - 624.07/B 24 Classification: 624.07:624.014.2 Notes: Lucrare de disertaţie
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