Biblioteca UTCB

  • Praktische mathematik für Ingenieure und Physiker
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Zurmühl, Rudolf
    Statement of Responsibility: Rudolf Zurmühl
    Published: Springer Verlag
    Place of Publication: Berlin, Heidelberg, New York
    Year of Publication: 1965
    Edition: Fünfte Auflage
    Description: XV, 561p. : fig., erată
    Notes: Matematici practice pentru ingineri şi fizicieni. Ed. a 5-a
    Notes: Bibliografie p.XV
    Language: German
    Subject: 55
    Shelf number: UTCB - 51/Z 95
    Classification: 51
    Classification: 51:62:53
    Classification: 53
    Classification: 62
    Notes: Matematici practice pentru ingineri şi fizicieni
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