Biblioteca UTCB

  • 2 Internationale Tagung für Brücken-Hochbau in Wien = 2nd International Congress for Bridge-and Structural Engineering in Vienna = 2me Congrès International de Construction des Charpentes à Vienne : 24-27 September 1928 : Preliminary copy of the reports be discussed on September 24th and 27th
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Corporate Body: Internationale Tagung Für Brücken Und Hochbau. 2. Wien. 1928
    Paralel Title: 2nd International Congress for Bridge-and Structural Engineering in Vienna
    Published: Julius Springer
    Place of Publication: Wien
    Year of Publication: 1928
    Description: 302p. : fig.; 25 cm
    Notes: Al 2-lea Congres internaţional privind construcţia de poduri şi şarpante. Viena, 24-27 sept. 1928
    Notes: Donaţie A.Beleş
    Language: English
    Subject: construcții poduri
    Subject: construcții șarpante
    Subject: patrimoniu
    Subject: congres internațional
    Subject: 01
    Subject: Conferințe. Simpozioane. Congrese
    Subject: 55
    Shelf number: UTCB - 624.21/I-58
    Classification: 624.21
    Notes: Al 2-lea Congres internaţional privind construcţia de poduri şi şarpante
    Notes: patrimoniu
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