Biblioteca UTCB

  • Statistical Modeling of Seismic Damages
  • Record Type: Language materials, printed: monographic
    Author: Benedetti, Duilio
    Alternative Intellectual Responsibility: Vitiello, Edmondo
    Statement of Responsibility: D.Benedetti, E.Vitiello
    Published: [s.n.]
    Place of Publication: [s.l.]
    Year of Publication: [s.a.]
    Description: 6f.multigr. : il.
    Notes: Modelare statistică a avariilor provocate de cutremure
    Language: English
    Subject: 77
    Shelf number: UTCB - 69.059.22/B 44
    Classification: 550.346
    Classification: 632.1 EROS
    Classification: 69.059.22
    Classification: 824.042.7
    Notes: Modelare statistică a avariilor provocate de cutremure
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