Biblioteca UTCB

How to search?


Support through the list selection on narrow terms

As you type characters in the search field, the TinREAD software suggest words that exist in the records from which to obtain the results of your searches.


Support through the suggestion

In a situation where the user is wrong typing the word or words he search, the software  offer the correct variant. By selecting the proposed word, which is considered to be closest to the one you want, automatically starts running and searching. The program displays the message: "Did you mean..." followed by the proposed variants.


“Google like” display

Data about documents are displayed sorted by relevance. Determination of relevance for information made the difference between search engine Google and its competitors. TinREAD offers the possibility of the user to sort the information based on an algorithm in which it has access. Every field in which searching has a particular importance. For example, if the search word is found in the title field, then that record is considered more important than another in which that Word is found in a field of note.

By default, the system has enabled the ¾ algorithm. By applying a smart search mechanism if the user seeks, for example, four words at once, the system displays the first recordings in which have been found all four words, then those in which only three were found. Records that have been found just two words are not displayed as they are considered not relevant enough in the four and they remain outside.

Users can choose any of the 18 display forms sorted along the desired direction (ascending or descending). This can be obtained by selecting the box from the right side, top, where you can see the default option "Relevance A-Z".


The Ranking

All WebOPAC accessible records can be evaluated by users. These ratings are automatically calculated by the program to provide a synthetic image on appreciation that document has acquired among users who have consulted it.

Also, in this category fall the displaying of the default first page, at the first entry in WebOPAC module. The three types of sorting after loans no., reservation no. and after users evaluation, provides a starting point for those who do not come with a clear idea on what they want to look for.


Sharing / Social networks

Information from TinREAD can be transmitted in over 50 sites with specific social networks services and thus shared by users through web 2.0 mechanisms, clearly defined and operated at this time. Pressing the ' Bookmark ' allows you to open the window from which you can access any of the links to the transfer of information to social networks.


Lists of your favorite titles

Users have the possibility to save lists of their favorite documents. They may be held only for them (private list) or can be shared by WebOPAC with all other users that you are attending (public directory). This service is part of the Selective Dissemination of Information module (SDI).

Anyone can subscribe via RSS to any list, to find out when new documents have been added, without the need for each time to enter and inspect the WebOPAC section of the TinREAD software.


Refine your search

Once you have performed a search and display its result, users can refine to find the information they need. Refining your searches can be done by selecting various refining criteria that are available in the left of the screen.

The criteria by which you can refine a search, which essentially allow looking to a search for results in the search already performed are:

  • Author ame;
  • Publication place;
  • Publishing house;
  • Year of publication;
  • Document language;
  • Library Department (location).

 For each of these items of refining the search the number of references that match the selected criteria can be seen.

 Other important elements are also reflected in the box that is displayed in the form of a cloud topics present in bibliographic records that have been found and correspond to the general criterion of the initial search. "Subject cloud" display type is a modern method and it's implementation in value of the weighting of the presence of these topics in records found in the search. As a subject is written with the larger characters (larger-scale) means that the more it is retrieved in the bibliographic descriptions in search results.


New Books

Last but not least, the last box in the left side of the screen shows news bulletin. Selected documents and marked by librarians as new documents, when generating the report they appear in that position of the screen.

An important function is given by the data syndication. Any of the readers can subscribe via RSS to track changes and the emergence of the following posted bulletins with new documents which have been in the collections of the library that use the TinREAD software.


Filtering Options

At the top left of the screen, just below the simple search field, is the button with the text "Options". Here you can filter the data according to criteria such as the kinds of documents, librarians called as bibliographical level, i.e. whether they are books, serials, collections, parts of books, serials, AV. Also data filtering can be done by type of support of the information (e.g. paper, CD, data networks, microfilm, magnetic tape, etc.). Last but not least, the data can be shown after localization criteria. Thus each criteria, separately or combined, may be used to find out what documents, based on bibliographical level and support criteria can be found in a certain location/services point.


Browsing into a displayed search list

For efficiency, the number of documents displayed on the screen may be set by the user in step 10, 20 or 50.

For searches in which the number of documents displayed exceeds the number set to be displayed on a page are created separate pages. They are numbered and can be accessed independently. They are arranged both at the top of the list of results displayed and at the bottom, to decrease the number of commands that a user makes them during navigation.

Very useful is the information by specifying the number of documents that matched the criteria and have resulted from the search. They give a synthetic quantitatively report which is all the more meaningful if filters applied and if searching was rafined, best suited to user needs.

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